Hello you all out there curious bunnies! I know you all are super curious and anxious at the same time to look what to do next. After successfully completing the 12th grade with Arts you all might get worry about your carriers and get excited also for the college life. No worries, here in Biyani Girls College, one of the top girls private BA College in Jaipur, provide you the best opportunities with excellent facilities, professors, and a lot of personality grooming activities that not only grooms you but enrich you with so many experiences and interactions with the idea that you could adhere their thought processes into your life to become a successful being.
Most of the Students today also get confused to opt what in the Arts stream where they can not only achieve a job but also left a remarkable expression on the society which will be helpful for others for the time being. And for this, first we need to know what could the different career options in the fled of Arts. The Arts stream belongs to the Humanities Department which is an umbrella term for all those subjects which comes under the category of Social Science such as: – English Literature, History, Geography, Psychology, Economics, Sociology, Public Administration & Political Science, and many more. But here in Biyani Girls College, BA Girls College in Jaipur, offer these eight subjects to you all.
Career in Different Disciplines into the Arts Stream:
- English Literature: – Lecturer, Advertising, Content Developer, Editor, TV Anchor, English Language Trainer, Translator.
- History: – Lecturer, History Professor, Genealogist, Archaeologist, Archivist.
- Geography:- Lecturer, Cartographer, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Officer, Nature Conservation Officer.
- Psychology:- Lecturer, Mental Health Experts, Social Work Assistants, School Counselors, Career Counselors, Child Care Workers, Organizational Behaviorist.
- Economics: – Lecturer, Auditor, Stockbroker, Business Manager, Retail Merchandiser, Pricing Analyst, Statistician.
- Sociology: – Lecturer, Criminologists, Research Analysts, Community Developers, Social Worker.
- Political Science: – – Lecturer, Anthropologist, Public Affairs, Political Consultant, Academician.
- Public Administration: – Lecturer, Anthropologist, Public Affairs, Political Consultant, Academician.
Best Subject Combinations in Arts Stream for job profile after Post Graduation:-
-  Psychology/ Economics/ English Literature: – One of the finest combination of subjects into Arts Stream is Psychology with Economics and English Literature. You might know that majority of the Psychologist do have their interest into the field of prose, fiction and drama through which they get to know about the behavior and the thinking processes of the human mind and their interaction with the environment. Learning Psychology with the combination of economics also helps the students to develop their career as a fine business manager, pricing analyst, retail merchandiser as they are able to understand the demands of the consumers.
- Political Science/ Sociology/ Economics: – Career in BA with Political Science will be more flourished with the combination of Sociology and Economics because the understanding of the social settings and the budget making processes will enable one to understand and develop the different polices for the betterment of the country and the mankind.
- Public Administration/ Geography/ History: – Learning History itself might create bordum for the person but grasping all its dates and details with Geographical understanding and the Administration processes will make the subject more understandable and approachable and could solve all the mysterious of the childhood learning that you all have had at some point in your school life.
So here you all got to know about the different subjects this top girl private BA College in Jaipur offered with the different job profiles for every subject and the best combination of subjects which will help you to establish one’s career after graduation and post graduation.
Blog By:
Ms. Gunjan Agarwal
Assistant Professor
Department of Humanities