Role of CASE tools in system development

Computer Aided Software EngineeringĀ i.e. CASE is the methodical application of a set of tools and techniques to a candidate system to meet the goal of achieving a superior product in terms of quality, validity, testability and maintainability with the optimum utilization of cost time and other relevant resources. The era of CASE tools began in the late seventies. With time, in early nineties, an effective and high tech era evolved with a great inclination towards the CASE tools utilization. Computer Aided Software Engineering tools plays a vital role in a software development process. The main aim of introducing and implementing the CASE tools in the development process is to enhance the qualitative aspects of the target product. CASE tools are basically a class of software that helps in the automation of the various activities associated with the development procedure. The role of CASE tools is not limited to a particular phase of development; instead they provide support to almost all the phases of software development.
CASE tools on the basis of their support to the types of activities in the development process, can be classified as,
  • Knowledge-based CASE dimension
  • Life-cycle support
  • Construction dimension and Integration dimension
  • Few commonly used CASE tools are ER diagrams
  • Data flow diagram, Decision tables, Smalltalk, Process Weaver and Rational.
Though CASE tools are best to use for effective and efficient software development, but few risks and drawbacks like inadequate standardization, unrealistic expectations, slow implementation, weak repository controls are also associated with it. By time and technological enhancements, these weaknesses would also be removed.

Author ā€“Ā Ms. Madhu Sharma

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