The word physics has been derived from the Latin word physica, which means natural thing. There are many definitions of physics. ” According to Microsoft Encarta, “Physics, major science, dealing with the fundamental constituents of the universe, the forces they exert on one another, and the results produced by these forces.
It means that physics is the branch of science, which deals with the properties of matter and emery and the relationship between them. It also tries to explain the material world and the natural phenomena of the universe. The scope of physics is very wide and vast. It deals with not only the tinniest particles of atoms, but it also dwells upon natural phenomenon like galaxy, milky way, solar and lunar eclipse etc.
Physics is the basic physical science. hysics studies how things move, and the forces that make them move. For example, velocity and acceleration are used by physics to show how things move. Also, physicistsstudy the forces of gravity, electricity, magnetism and the forces that hold things together. Physics studies very large things, and very small things. For instance, physicists can study stars, planets and galaxies but could also study small pieces of matter, such as atomsand electrons.They may also study sound, light and other waves. As well as that, they could examine energy, heat and radioactivity, and even space and time. Physics not only helps people understand how objects move, but how they change form, how they make noise, how hot or cold they will be, and what they are made of at the smallest level.
It has many branches like optics,mechanics,relativity etc. and it is related with other subjects also like mathematics, chemistry, bio etc.


Author: Asha Goyal

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