Head Of Biyani Group Of College


š¯“•ounder, Biyani Group of Colleges, is one of the pioneers for the mission of women empowerment and a guardian of the institution. Her blessings have been a constant source of encouragement and inspiration for all the members of the institution especially the hostellers for showering her motherly blessings. At every juncture of the institutional life she has provided her able guidance to one all. Her motherly care and blessings have driven the college towards the pinnacles of success.

-Smt. Pushpa Biyani
Biyani Group of College

Description about Resonance

When a single structural formula of a compound could not satisfactorily explain all the properties of the molecule then two or more hypothetical structure (arrived by redistribution of valence electrons)

Description about ABORTION

Definition-Abortion is the process of partial or complete separation of the products of conception from the uterine wall with or without partial or complete expulsion from the uterine cavity before

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