Definition : It is an synthesis method to grow the bacteria from infect material like blood sputum
- Basal media
- Enriched media
- Selective media
- Indicator media
- Transport media
- Storage media.
1.BASAL MEDIA: Basal media are those that may be used for growth of bacteria that do not need enhancement of the media . Examples: Nutrient broth, nutrient agar and peptone water.
2.ENRICHED MEDIA: The media are enriched typically by adding blood, serum or egg. Examples: Enriched media are blood agar and Lowenstein-Jensen media.
3.SELECTIVE MEDIA: These media favors the growth of a particular bacterium by inhibit the growth of undesired bacteria and allowing growth of wanted bacteria. Examples: Mac Coney agar, Lowenstein-Jensen media Antibiotic may be added to a medium for reserve.
4.INDICATOR MEDIA:An indicator is included in the medium. A particular organism causes change in the indicator, e.g. blood, neutral red,. Examples: Blood agar and Mac Conkey agar are indicator media.