Category: Blog

Why You Should Choose B.Com Honours after 12th?
What Precisely is B.Com Honours? B.Com Honours is an undergraduate degree program that focuses on advanced and specialized studies in Commerce and related subjects. Typically, B.Com Hons. is suitable for
Flat World Economy
“Flat World” a phrase coined by Thomas Friedman which means that this world is home for many products. A product or service can be manufactured, assembled and used in different
Role of CASE tools in system development
Computer Aided Software Engineering i.e. CASE is the methodical application of a set of tools and techniques to a candidate system to meet the goal of achieving a superior product in

भारत मे वेब पत्रकारिता – Web Journalism in India
अमेरिका के न्यूयार्क टाइम्स और वॉल स्ट्रीट जनरल ने जब अपने संस्करणों को समाचारों को डेटाबेस में रखने लगा तभी से यह माना जाता है कि वेब पत्रकारिता की शुरुआत
Relationship between Training & Learning | All About Training and Development
Introduction: Training is essentially a learning process. In a training programme, learning is a complex, multidimensional process. There are myriad factors and conditions that influence the learning process. To further
Stark Effect
The splitting of molecular rotational energy levels in presence of external electric field (E) is known as the Stark effect after the physicist J. Stark who was awarded Nobel prize

Women’s Empowerment in Rajasthan
Women empowerment refers to the process of granting women the ability and authority to control their lives and make decisions that affect their well-being and that of their communities. It
Financial Accounting and Its Deficiencies
The word Financial Accounting is concerned with recording, classifying and summarising the financial transactions and preparing statements relating to the business in accordance with generally accepted accounting concepts and conventions.
Composite Transformation
Composite transformation Matrix can be obtained by calculating. The matrix product of the individual transformations forming products of transformation matrix is often referred to as concatenation or composition of matrices.