When you get older in the race and when it comes time to do a job, there is a need to earn. Then limited career opportunities are known. There are many careers in which we can achieve unlimited heights. After 10th or with professional course one can also work as a LIC agent. If you want to become a LIC agent. Â Life insurance agent has to pass IC38 examination under IRDA to perform its work. The minimum educational qualification for this exam is 10th. For this, life insurance company sponsorship is required. After that, 25 hours of online or offline training has to be completed and after completion of training one has to qualify the IC38 exam. This is online exam by the Insurance Institute of India. You can also do LIC work for full time or part time. It gives you unlimited opportunities to earn. Insurance penetration is very low in India.

There is a huge scope of growth in life insurance industry in India as compared to developed nations. It offers you unlimited opportunities. The Life Insurance Corporation of India and many other insurance companies also have a Career Agent Scheme under which the agent is paid a regular monthly stipend or salary in addition to income from commission. Insurance business after selling the insurance policy, the first year commission as well as renewal premium commission is also received.
That is, for a policy sold once, the agent regularly receives commission income until the policy is operational. This is a great business and offers unlimited income opportunities.  To become successful agent is not depends on destiny, complete information, planning and hard work will pave the path for that .So much money and fame can be earned in this profession which is not possible in other work even without any major degree.
The agent can find all that is a dream for others. There are several awards and recognition schemes floated by LIC such as club membership. In club membership schemes agent can receive many benefits and recognition.You can work part time or full time as a LIC AGENT.You can schedule your work time and day at your convenience. As an agent, you have to explain and explain various policies of LIC to your friends, acquaintances, relatives and neighbors etc.
These policies are related to various needs of life such as those related to education and marriage of children, pension and savings schemes and health schemes etc.You will earn commission per month from these schemes, which can be from 10000 to 50000 or more.
Asst. Prof., Department of Commerce & Mgt.