Biyani group of Colleges is a great organization. It’s filled with awesome people who are right now busy hosting BICON, an international conference, which is a big event for all of us. We are not only organizing the conference, arranging meetups but also creating memorable experiences. It’s fantastic to see.
It is said nothing compares to a good conference: the atmosphere of being immersed in a crowd of people who share the same passion as you, the lessons you learn and advice you take in, and the friends you get to meet and the new ones you make. After a good conference you feel re-energized — full of zeal for your job and bursting with fresh ideas.
That’s exactly what we want to create with BICON, and I am proud of the fact that this is the eleventh time we are organizing it. In our previous Conferences our guests learned, shared stories, made lasting friendships — and undoubtedly had a good time. We wish to show our Japanese and other guests our great hospitality. Our goal is to bring people together in one place where they can discover and share and then leave full of positivity towards Biyani group of Colleges.

Now that we are heading towards organizing a successful conference, we will need to be prepared for many late nights, big money worries, a roller coaster of emotions and a prolonged period when your loved ones, social life and free time take a back seat. There’s no escaping that. It’s a huge responsibility and one that will take up a lot of our time, both in physical labor and in constant worrying. It really is a massive amount of work, especially for those of us who do this on top of a day job. Sometimes it feels insurmountable. Organizing a conference is a lot of fun, but requires a lot of hard work, too. Then one can expect the wonderful rewards that this stress and hard work will bring us.The amount of effort we put in will make us feel incredibly accomplished when it all comes together. We would expect our students too to sit for the conference, listen to the speakers attentively and learn how the conferences are organized. Such great exposure that they will get here will be a lifetime learning for them.
Research Papers Invited for Biyani International Conference
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